Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Portfolio Website

For the last year my brother has been very gracious in hosting my website on his web server. About two months ago, he decided to trim this toy from his budget and I took it upon myself to not only get my own web hosting, but to rebuild my website, by hand, from scratch, all by myself (well, almost). Two months, a trip to the local library later, and some whining at my brother, here is the outcome, my new portfolio site (warning: it looks crappy in Internet Explorer, I'm not that good).

This of course has led to a redesign and rethinking of my blog. To bring more viewers to my work I'll be writing new article segments, including:
  • Artist's I'm Looking At
  • How To
  • Notable Etsians and Bloggers in the Arts
  • Graduate School Admissions Process
  • En Plien Aire Painting
  • Small Business Articles
I'd like to include a monthly contest (which totally wouldn't be a rip off Cate Wade's Sepia Sunday Photo Contest, not at all), though I haven't come up with the exact criteria.


  1. Ah! Your new white blog and your portfolio look great. Seriously. Very clean web design. You're inspiring. I'm such a poor web developer I've put off making my (self-hosted) photography portfolio for YEARS... One day I will get off my ass. But really, yours looks super.

    Also, I'm pretty excited to see what your contest is going to be! :-) Between you and me, I am slightly tiring of 'Sepia Sunday.' Thanks for the nod, though! You = Amazing.

  2. PS: Your new 'About Me' portrait is really nice! Did Mrs. Carroll take it?

  3. Yeah, my mom took my photo, it's from about a year ago and a bit feminine, but I worked with what I had on hand.

    Small business blogs talk about driving traffic through user generated content. A contest seemed the most direct way to do that, though I don't think I have the fortitude to do it once a week.

    Also, Yay comments!
